Saturday, 23 May 2015

Top Reasons Why We won't stop Tweaking our Sim Cards

Hey beautiful people, How una dey?

Yesterday I was talking to a friend, telling him about the new AIRTEL 2GB TWEAK amd he asked me a question. He said "why do guys just like doing all these cheats, why can't you just buy data like other people!". This question suprised me and I decided to post this article to all those that ask the same question.

Before I answer this question, I have a few questions of my own

First, Among all these data plans network providers are rolling out which one is the best?

Is it ;


• 2015MB for N2015


• 4.5GB for N3,500

• 2GB for N2,000



• 200mb for N1,000

• 1GB for N2,000

• 2GB for N2,000

• 3.5GB for N6,500


• 300mb for N1,000

• 853mb for N2,000

• 1.5GB for N3,000

• 2.5GB for N2,000

For somebody like me that uses an average of 4.5GB/Month, Airtel's N3,500 plan would be the obvious answer. The question now is Can the average Nigerian youth afford N3,500 monthly for data bearing in mind that he still has to pay his house rent, Electricity bill, Tax, and all those other things the Nigerian use in extorting money from us? . An associate told me that in Kenya Airtel(The same Airtel!) gives 18GB for a price equivalent to N2,650!...And it got me thinking "What do these people take Nigerians for sef! Na so all this people go do 1million naira phone run carry am come Nigera !

For the average youth which make up over 50% of smart phone users N3,50O every month is quite an overwhelming task knowing that we are barely getting by with what we earn. In such a case tweaking apperars to be the best way out!

Secondly, It is not new to ears that Android and IOS are data-hungry beasts!!! This alone should be enough leverage for telecom companies to provide a stable and cheaper data plan for these categories.Instead it's the opposite!, A situation where MTN offers N1,000/month for UNLIMITED browsing, downloads, streaming on blackberry and offer 2015mb for N2,015 for android and iOS users and GLO offers N1,000 for 3gb on blackberry and offer 2.5GB for N2,000 for android and iOS users, is clearly unfair to us. And you ask me why I tweak???!!!

Finally, It's just commmon sense...Why buy 2015mb for N2015 when I can get over 10GB for free!

So I hope you finally understand that tweaking doesn't potray brokeness but a silent protest against exorbitant data plan prices and I won't stop until I notice some significant changes for example 2GB for N500 is not too much to ask...

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  1. Guy I dey ur back

  2. I second you boldly.
    Please add me to any group of yours.


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