Thursday, 31 December 2015

This App Differentiates A Baby's Crying Sounds - Tells You Why Your Baby Is Crying

Not every-time tweaking and mobile tech talks, today's post is 'mainly' targeted at the ladies(do we have females here?)
You know that moment when your baby starts crying furiously and you have no idea why she is crying, it can be frustrating.
You try feeding her but that doesn't seem to stop her, try putting her to bed and no luck either!
According to Reuters, Taiwanese researchers have developed an app that can differentiate different baby crying sounds.

The 'baby cry translator' was developed at the National Taiwan University Hospital and it can differentiate four separate baby crying sounds by recording the sound of the baby's cry and comparing it against the database.

The researchers collected around 200,000 crying sounds from approximately 100 new borns and saved it in an online database. Analysis of these individual cries made it possible for the developers to differentiate them into four - Hunger, Sleepy, Pain or wet diaper.
Researchers say that the app is 92% accurate for babies below two weeks old and its accuracy reduces as the baby gets older.
After downloading the app, you only need to set the date and nationality of the baby, once the baby starts crying you press the record button for about ten seconds then the sound would be uploaded onto the online database then after an analysis, you'll receive a notification telling you why your baby is crying.

According to a forty-one year old new father,
For the new parent like us, we are most afraid of seeing the baby crying and then not knowing what we should do. When we don't know what we should do, this app can make some simple judgments for us, so we are able to know what our next step is.

The app is available on the apple store and google playstore at a price of $2.99

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