Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Whatsapp Introduces Whatsapp Status Snapchat-Like Feature

From all indications, Mark Zuckerberg is going all in with WhatsApp and doing everything humanly possible to keep whatsapp as the largest Instant messenger app in the world.
Just like Instagram codedly stole the ‘stories’ feature from snapchat, he just added the feature to his IM app, whatsapp. The new feature lets you express yourself using a short video.

The new status feature will allow you to share photos, videos, and GIFs as your status(i.e. stories) which will auto-destruct in 24 hours. The feature was tested in November last year, and was pushed to beta testers last week.
whatsapp snapchat status
You will also have the ability to control who sees your statuses. Starting with the Netherlands and France, the feature will gradually roll out for both iOS and Android to other markets.

I must say this is a really interesting addition to WhatsApp to help make your statuses much interesting.

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1 comment:

  1. If you want to save a friend's Whatsapp Status. Check out this post -


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