Saturday, 6 January 2018

How To Convert iTunes Gift Card To Bitcoin Or Cash

Due to certain restrictions, receiving money from some countries has become really hard and as such people have devised the means of receiving the cash by telling the sender to purchase all sorts of gift cards and send the picture.

The main issue however isn't in getting the gift card but in converting the gift cards to real cash, that's the essence of this post I'm writing today.
I know a lot of people won't be happy that I'm revealing this method because believe me a lot of people have made businesses out of converting gift cards to cash, a process that won't take 30 minutes of your time.

If you're ready to roll, let's dive in!

 All you need to complete this process are:
  1. A picture of the gift card (iTunes, Amazon, Stream, Netflix etc)
  2. A data enabled device
  3. Common sense.
  • First thing you have to do is register on paxful by clicking here.
  • After a successful registration you would see the screen below, click on "Buy Bitcoin"
    Convert gift card to cash 
  • Fill in the required details, in the space for 'Amount', put the amount of the Gift card; if its a 100$ iTunes gift card for example put 100 in amount, USD in currency and iTunes gift card in 'Way to pay' then click Search.
    A list of buyers that are willing to buy the gift card and give you Bitcoins would show on the next page, find a good deal and sell the Gift Card. PS: You won't get the exact value of the gift card in Bitcoin, i.e you could get 30$ bitcoin for a 50$ gift card(Strike a good bargain though)
  • After you've gotten the Bitcoins, all that's left is to sell the Bitcoin and get paid in cash. To do this, click on the Buy Bitcoin button, on the next page that shows select "Sell Bitcoin". Fill in the amount and currency just like when you wanted to buy the Bitcoin, select the way your want to be paid in "Way To Pay".
  • Again, find a good deal and sell the Bitcoin, that's all! you have successfully converted your Gift card to cash.

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1 comment:

  1. Very good tips you shared. Anyway We would like to share iTunes Gift Cards that can be use for latest games, music, movies, apps, and more with iTunes extensive selection of millions of items so you can get exactly what you want. All our iTunes Gift Cards are digitally delivered to email within 15 minutes and can be used.

    Thank you!
    Steam Nation


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