Wednesday, 10 January 2018

MTN Conducts First 5G Network Test: Hits 20GbPs

Although a lot people are yet to experience the beauty of 4G network, Technology waits for no man as 5G network has already been launched and was recently tested by Qualcomm with the world's first 5G enabled smartphone.
MTN, one of the top service provider in Africa has followed as its conducted its first 5G network test at its headquarters in Johannesburg.
mtn 5g
The test was conducted alongside Ericsson and is part of the company's 5G demonstration.

According to MTN, the conducted test is in line with the company's official deployment of 5G connectivity to the public which will happen in the near future. They achieved a download speed of 20Gbps which is the highest speed to be reached on any network in Africa.

mtn 5g network

Regardless of the successful testing, I doubt if MTN's 5G network would be commercially available to its users anytime soon, because even its 4g network isn't available in all locations yet.

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