A new version of WhatsApp has hit the Google Play Store in some countries. The new app named WhatsApp Business is built to help small businesses communicate with their customers.
For now, the app is available for download to small business owners in the US, UK, Italy, Indonesia, and Mexico to register their business account. The registered account becomes a Confirmed Account once WhatsApp checks that the phone number details matches your business.
The app also contains profile space for details like a company email, address, website, and a description of your business, the app also includes “smart messaging” tools such as automatic replies to frequently asked questions, greeting messages, and customizable away messages for when you're not online.
WhatsApp Business also has a simple analytics tool that shows business owners which messages are the most effective. It is also compatible with WhatsApp Web, so you can check your messages and respond via a PC.
It also gives users have the option of registering a landline number. This is different from the regular Whatsapp App which only allows you to use one mobile number.
The business account does not stop you from using the regular WhatsApp App as users can use both apps on the same phone.
If you're in one of the five selected countries, you can test out the new WhatsApp Business app by clicking the Play below.
For the rest of the world, WhatsApp said in a blog post that the app will roll out around the world “in the coming weeks”.
For now, the app is available for download to small business owners in the US, UK, Italy, Indonesia, and Mexico to register their business account. The registered account becomes a Confirmed Account once WhatsApp checks that the phone number details matches your business.
The app also contains profile space for details like a company email, address, website, and a description of your business, the app also includes “smart messaging” tools such as automatic replies to frequently asked questions, greeting messages, and customizable away messages for when you're not online.
WhatsApp Business also has a simple analytics tool that shows business owners which messages are the most effective. It is also compatible with WhatsApp Web, so you can check your messages and respond via a PC.
It also gives users have the option of registering a landline number. This is different from the regular Whatsapp App which only allows you to use one mobile number.
The business account does not stop you from using the regular WhatsApp App as users can use both apps on the same phone.
If you're in one of the five selected countries, you can test out the new WhatsApp Business app by clicking the Play below.
For the rest of the world, WhatsApp said in a blog post that the app will roll out around the world “in the coming weeks”.
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