Yesterday, I was browsing on Google Chrome with a WiFi router and unexpectedly it disconnected and showed.
You are Offline
WiFi and mobile data are unavailable. The page can be loaded once the device connects to a network.
Out of frustration and impatience I kept tapping the screen and I noticed that the animal(dinosaur) on the left came to life and started running, I was really surprised.
As the Dino ran, there were cactus obstacles in its way and I found out that I could make if jump by tapping the screen.
So I kept playing the game which I became so addicted to that I forgot I was browsing.
It's an endless running game like Subway Surfers and Temple run.
To play the Google Chrome game on your Android all you have to do is switch off your data connection and try loading a page on it like try visiting a website with your data switched off, you should see a page saying;
You are Offline
WiFi and mobile data are unavailable. The page cam be loader once the device connects to a network.
Now, just tap anywhere on the screen and the dinosaur on the left would come alive just as I explained earlier, tap anywhere on your screen to jump over the obstacles.
To play the game on your PC, disable your connection(it's an offline game) and when it shows the 'You're Offline' page, instead of tapping your screen you tap the space bar and also use the space bar to jump over obstacles.
For iOS users, I haven't tried it out on an iPhone or iPad yet.
You could try testing out using the method for Android. And let us know the outcome by posting your feedback in the comments section below.
Wow! You made it this far!
For reading this post till the end I'd share an additional Google Chrome tip with you.
I'd show you how to use Google Chrome as a calculator.
To Use Google Chrome as a calculator, just input the problem in the address bar but do not press enter.
You are Offline
WiFi and mobile data are unavailable. The page can be loaded once the device connects to a network.
Out of frustration and impatience I kept tapping the screen and I noticed that the animal(dinosaur) on the left came to life and started running, I was really surprised.
As the Dino ran, there were cactus obstacles in its way and I found out that I could make if jump by tapping the screen.
So I kept playing the game which I became so addicted to that I forgot I was browsing.
It's an endless running game like Subway Surfers and Temple run.
To play the Google Chrome game on your Android all you have to do is switch off your data connection and try loading a page on it like try visiting a website with your data switched off, you should see a page saying;
You are Offline
WiFi and mobile data are unavailable. The page cam be loader once the device connects to a network.
Now, just tap anywhere on the screen and the dinosaur on the left would come alive just as I explained earlier, tap anywhere on your screen to jump over the obstacles.
To play the game on your PC, disable your connection(it's an offline game) and when it shows the 'You're Offline' page, instead of tapping your screen you tap the space bar and also use the space bar to jump over obstacles.
For iOS users, I haven't tried it out on an iPhone or iPad yet.
You could try testing out using the method for Android. And let us know the outcome by posting your feedback in the comments section below.
Wow! You made it this far!
For reading this post till the end I'd share an additional Google Chrome tip with you.
I'd show you how to use Google Chrome as a calculator.
To Use Google Chrome as a calculator, just input the problem in the address bar but do not press enter.
Drop your comments and share your thoughts...