Thursday, 13 October 2016

Founder Of MyWapblog About To Shut It Down

When I started out blogging I wasn't always on, My love for blogging was so great that even when I didn't have money to buy a domain(I didn't even know what it meant at the time) I had not a just a blog but several blogs.
However due to the fact that I was still in Secondary school at the time, I had to stick with free blogs on free domains.

I had,,,'t you dare laugh), before I finally had

In all of the free blogs I owned, the one I liked more was which was hosted on MyWapblog. When I used it, I felt like a professional blogger but I had to leave because I needed to get a domain name and that was somehow difficult to do on the platform.

Last week, I heard that the founder of MyWapblog, Arvind Gupta(I still remember his name😸) was shutting down the platform for unknown reasons.

I must admit, even though I left MyWapblog a long time ago, I still felt somehow when I got the news. I hurriedly went to check my old blog and to my surprise, it was no longer there.

I also noticed that registration for new blogs had been closed.
Thereby confirming the rumor that the blogging platform was indeed being shut down.

Some of the users had a few words to say, see them below.
MyWapblog shutting down

MyWapblog shutting down

MyWapblog shutting down

MyWapblog shutting down

MyWapblog shut down

MyWapblog shut down

MyWapblog shut down

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