Friday, 25 September 2015

Zerodium Offers Bounty Of $3 million For Successful iOS 9 Jailbreak

IOS 9 hack Bounty

ZERODIUM, a premium exploit acquisition company is ready to pay a whooping sum of $3,000,000 (yea! you heard right, three milli!) for a successful jailbreak of Apple's new iOS 9.

This is said to be the biggest Zero-day Bounty program tagged the: The million dollar iOS 9 bug Bounty

Apple's iOS is currently the most secure mobile operating system but we can all agree that secure doesn't mean unbreakable, it just means it's more complex, time consuming and cost a lot to achieve.

ZERODIUM said it's prepared to pay $1,000,000 each to three people or team who can successfully break into iPhones or iPads equipped with the new iOS 9

To win the prize money, hackers security researchers must use a Web page or text message to hack bypass the new software and discretely install an application on the iPhone or iPad.
In addition, these 'Bounty hunters' must work on a wide range of Apple devices including the newly launched iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S plus which dropped today(25th September). The Bounty program lasts till October 31st so aspirants have a little over a month to come with a successful jailbreak of the 'most secure mobile OS', good luck to them.


All communications and submissions must be made through encrypted emails.
ZERODIUM reserves the right to decide if an entry is valid or not.
Payment of the Bounty includes purchase of rights to the submitted jailbreak and exploits.

To submit an entry, send an ENCRYPTED email to

If you have what it takes to fall the Most secure mobile OS I suggest you pick up that laptop and get to work, because we're talking 'one million dollars' here. It's time ti put that frowned-upon skill to 'good' use.

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