Wednesday, 4 May 2016

MTN To Roll Out 4G LTE Services By July + Cheap Data Plans

I announced in a post I wrote earlier that MTN was planning 4G LTE support. However, I never expected it to be this soon.
This might sound unbelievable but I assure you it is true.
Mtn starts 4g lte connectivity

MTN is set to roll out its 4G LTE services in selected cities in Nigeria come July 2016, using the 800MHZ frequency they acquired from Visafone earlier this year.
MTN intends to have 1500 LTE collocated sites backhauled with fibre optics this year.

As pointed out by MTN CEO, Ferdinand Moolman;

“the main reason MTN acquired Visafone was to get access to the frequency which would allow it roll out LTE. He said that MTN has started the process to migrate all the Visafone subscribers onto its network so that they can clean up the frequency and start rolling out LTE.”

If I were to guess some of these "selected cities" I'll say Lagos, Abuja and probably Port Harcourt would be among the first cities to have a taste of the MTN 4G LTE service.

When this is actualized, MTN would move one step further from the other telcom providers and one step closer to NTEL.

And to make this new more juicy, MTN has announced new cheaper data plans to suit to browsing needs.
Here are the new plans;

Plan Old Plan Old Price New Price Activation Code

Dail *131# to see all the exciting new data plans
I think I love the new data plans do you?
Lets do a little maths before I end this post

Cheap Data Plans + 4G LTE = Best Browsing Experience!!!!

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