A lot of improvements and upgrades has been done to WhatsApp in recent times e.g Document sharing support, Bold and italics text format, End-to-End Encryption and many more. The new addition of such improvement is the availability of WhatsApp for Mac and PC users.
You could run Whatsapp on your PC before however, you had to go through a third-party app like bluestack or visit Whatsapp web but now you can have the .exe set up on your PC or Mac and install Whatsapp just like installing an app on your phone.
It gives you native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and many more.
The app is available for Windows 8 and higer and Mac OS 10.9 and higher.
Install and Run it,
Scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app on your phone and you are good to go.
It's obvious Mark Zuckerburg is doing everything possible to keep Whatsapp as the king of instant messaging and i gotta say he is doing a good job.
You could run Whatsapp on your PC before however, you had to go through a third-party app like bluestack or visit Whatsapp web but now you can have the .exe set up on your PC or Mac and install Whatsapp just like installing an app on your phone.
It gives you native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and many more.
The app is available for Windows 8 and higer and Mac OS 10.9 and higher.
How To Download Whatsapp For Windows PC And Mac ?
Download the file here (62MB)Install and Run it,
Scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app on your phone and you are good to go.
It's obvious Mark Zuckerburg is doing everything possible to keep Whatsapp as the king of instant messaging and i gotta say he is doing a good job.
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