Thursday 15 September 2016

Three Years After So Many Android Users Still Stuck On KitKat

Even though the latest Android 7.0 Nougat was just officially launched, so many android users are unfortunately still stuck on the three-year-old Android 4.4 KitKat and two-year-old Lollipop and are not planning to leave anytime soon.
The funny part of it is that some people don’t even care about what OS version they run, some don't even know what version their device runs all they care about is that their phones power up and they can use whatsapp, facebook and take selfies.
android version statistics
However, some users wish to upgrade to the latest version but are unable to do so due to the facts that some phone manufacturers forget to push the android update to older devices and some devices do not have the requirements to run the new operating system.
android version statistics
Android just released the latest usage statistics for android version distribution, you can see from the table above that Android 7.0 Nougat is not listed because it still has a distribution of less than 0.1%, Last year's Android Marshmallow has a distribution percent of 18.7%, Android Lollipop still remains the highest with a record of 35%, and the really outdated KitKat remains surprisingly strong at 27.7%, and Froyo is finally vanishing into thin air with approximately 0.1% share.

Tell me, what android version do you run on your device?

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