Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Whatsapp Adds Mention Feature To Group Chat

One of the features we’ve been expecting WhatsApp to add for a very long time is the 'mention' feature. The “Mention” feature allows you to directly address a message to a contact inside a group.

Unlike the recently introduced Quote feature, the new mention feature notifies the contact of the mention whether online or offline.
To use the new whatsapp mention feature, type the @ symbol inside a group and you'll get a list of all the participants in that group chat.
Whatsapp mention feature
You can tap on any of them or just type the first letter of anyone's name to narrow the list down.

When you send the message, the mentioned name will show up as a hyperlink.
Anyone can tap the hyperlinked name to open the contact's page details.
This feature is available in the latest beta version of WhatsApp.

Meanwhile, we are still impatiently waiting for the video calling features.

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