Friday, 16 September 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Sets Moving Car On Fire

When the samsung galaxy note 7 just launched, it was a device I dreamed about, it was the perfect smartphone. But now with the rate at which the device are exploding, the dreams are becoming more like nightmares. It was recently reported that a car caught on fire on a highway in Port St. Lucie, Florida,u United States with the owner explaining that the Galaxy Note 7 he was charging in the car was the cause of the explosion.
samsung galaxy note 7 exploding

In Yomiprof's words, "the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is now more deadlier than the dreaded Zika virus". And this is one of the reason why the Federal Airline Authorities place a ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

According to the statement by the FAA on the Note 7,
In light of recent incidents and concerns raised by Samsung about its Galaxy Note 7 devices, the Federal Aviation Administration strongly advises passengers not to turn on or charge these devices on board aircraft and not to stow them in any checked baggage.
Please, if you’ve purchased Samsung Galaxy Note 7 anywhere across the world, kindly return it.
Watch the Video Below to see the explosion in action;

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